Here you can download Acer Aspire One Drivers free and easy, just update your drivers now.. Your system it looks like only change for Win 10 drivers was the one you were asking about.
I want to know if VGA driver update will improve the resolution to 1920 x 1080 Shall I follow Acer advice or not.. Download and Update Acer Aspire One Drivers for your Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and Windows 10.. I have come to know that many people have faced problems after upgradation of BIOS & drivers.
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10 (428 MB ) Shall I follow Acer advice or not 2 0 In my laptop present display resolution is 1366 x 768.. Looking up your system It looks like your system is using the Intel HD 4400 graphics.
However your system don't need that driver so all the 8 1 drivers would be fine for Win 10.. g Acer Model Name (Aspire E1-472P) and SNID No I am not sure if Acer has taken note of 'INTEL HD Graphics Card ' in my laptop while suggesting NVIDIA VGA Driver ver.. Thanks ===================================================================================.. Your advice/comments are welcome Thanks ==============================================================================.. VGA driver Update for windows 10 I have upgraded to Windows 10 from Widows 8 1 (pre-installed), on my 'ACER Aspire E1 472P- 6491' laptop by taking advantage of the free upgrade offer and successfully activated Windows 10.. The Laptop 'ACER Aspire E1 472P- 6491' has got “ INTEL HD Graphics Card “ I want to know if “NVIDIA VGA Driver 10, ver- ” will be suitable for the INTEL card/hardware? Will this not create any display or other problems later.. Like a few of my systems Says works with Win 10 but not Win 10 drivers That was becasue all the Drivers for 8 are still good for 10.. Shall welcome comments from experts and/or someone who has upgraded VGA drivers after Windows 10 installation. 5ebbf469cd